The three of us; a programmer, a producer, and an artist, came together and set out to make it happen. Each of us, with our unique skill sets and different backgrounds, all had one important thing in common: none of us had ever made a game before.
Before we met our programmer, Stephen, we started out with a proof of concept; an animated video designed to get across the look and feel of the gameplay we were going for. Here we see a tutorial in the form of intercut dialogue between Molly, our protagonist, and Marvin, her mentor. Here we get a feel for the characters as well as the light, humorous tone of the game.

Screengrab from a Twitch channel streaming 'Muffins On Stream.
Several streamers volunteered for live beta testing!
Intro cinematic for 'Muffins On Stream'.
Featuring VO by Fred Stoverink, and music by Gabriel de Leon.
Additional art and animation by Matt Gamez, Adam Wachtel, and Granger Loosley

The main menu, presented as an open spell tome.
In the context of the story, this is meant to to be 'The Baking Legacy', Marvin's book of spells, recipes, and lore.

Marvin battles Bear Claw King

Marvin holds the Baker's Dust

Evil Rises Again!

Concept art for the town of Flourden, laid waste in the fallout of Bear Claw's return to power, which also serves as background art for one of the levels currently available for Muffins On Stream.